Help Me Grow partners with early care and education providers to help children start kindergarten fully prepared.
Help Me Grow Offers:
- A reliable one-stop-resource to refer families with young children for services, support, or questions about their child’s development
- Free training, materials, and coaching to provide routine developmental screening services in your program.
- A network of support that includes pediatricians, early care and education teachers, and children’s services providers working to ensure all children thrive.
Why offer developmental screening?
Developmental screenings are simple and easy questionnaires to assess if children are developing like most children around the same age. Parents complete the questions which are tied to developmental milestones.
Developmental screenings:
- Inform parents about what to expect as their child grows.
- Can catch developmental delays early, when intervention is most effective.
- Enable providers to adapt teaching strategies for each child.
Providing developmental screening is also an indicator of quality child care. Programs that provide screening earn higher ratings from Quality Matters, Contra Costa’s child care quality rating and improvement system. Providers who participate in Quality Matters get a coach to help them improve quality, including support with developmental screening.
Refer a client today!
A Help Me Grow team member will contact the family. These referral and online enrollment forms authorize the transfer of information Help Me Grow and you, the provider.
- Fill out the provider Help Me Grow referral form; when you do we can keep you updated on what happens next
- Complete the parent Help Me Grow referral form with your client
- Have families self-refer by calling 211