From Whining to Walking

No questions too small or too big.

From Crying to Cuddling

No questions too small or too big.

From Tantrums to Talking

No questions too small or too big.

Questions about your child’s development? Call 2-1-1 today.

No-cost information and referral helpline
for the babies you love.

Help Me Grow Contra Costa can answer parents’ everyday questions about their children from birth to age 5. Whether you’re looking for a playgroup, wondering when your baby will start walking (or stop crying!), or wondering how to prepare your child for school, we can help. We’re a free program focused on babies, young children, and the people who love them.

Your Child’s Development

Why Help Me Grow?

While every child is unique, children develop in certain, predictable ways, called developmental milestones. Your child’s health care provider and early childhood experts will use screening information to keep tabs on how your child is progressing and determine if he/she is reaching the milestones. It’s proven that getting your child help early makes all the difference in the world.

Just see what these parents had to say about the help they received for their child.